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... and of course, you can always subscribe to the free monthly email bulletin to keep informed! :-)

Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook

Buy this classic reference book direct from the printer (best economy/ecology)

The Geometry Code
(screensaver / meditation tool)

Geometry Code Meditation Tool, Screen Saver, and eBooklet - animation sample preview
Order the Digital Download here.

Martineau Solar System posters

Venus and Mars Per Martineau-cropped thumb

The Geometry Code (book)

by Bruce Rawles
(Available soon!)

Other Geometry Code products

An assortment of prints, apparel, houseware (such as tile coasters) featuring the symbolic imagery of the Geometry Code available here.

Our Affiliates

Related products that emphasize service, integrity, quality, sustainability, and interconnectedness, such as: - I have a growing list of books, videos, music and other items ... a generous assortment of my favorites on my aStore along with an affiliate link with access to the entire Amazon site.

Astro-logix offers a unique system of glow-in-the-dark hubs and day-glow cylinders to make a phenomenal variety of 2D and 3D geometric models.

Bluehost - a webhost that offers superb customer service, technical expertise and value; we've tried quite a few web hosts over the last decade; these folks are tops in every respect!

CitizenRe - Rethink solar for your home: an inspiring visionary photovoltaic program that we're quite enthused about:

Creative Catalyst Productions - Excellent instructional videos for artists. My wife raves about these and the few I've seen I can attest to the quality and usefulness of the info for artists as well!

DropBox - A very cool free online storage, synchronization and file sharing system; we use it a lot!

Emerald Energies - Unique videos including two interviews with Bruce Rawles about Sacred Geometry and the Seven Hermetic Laws and an Overview of Sacred Geometry, books and other products.

Flying Cat Travel - Cruises, Airline Flights, Hotel Reservations, Resorts, Rental Cars, Tours, Golf Vacation Packages, Entertainment, Event Tickets, Specials and more.

Gaiam - (formerly Real Goods) a pioneer in solar equipment and now in products for sustainable living.

Hay House - books, media and events featuring inspiring authors

LightSOURCE - In addition to collaborating on the Geometry Code screensaver, Mika Feinberg has created several other exquisite screen saver/meditation tools.

The Leap! documentary DVD (even though I haven't seen it in it's entirety) promises to be superb on the basis of
some of the excerpts I've seen (including Gary Renard).

LinkShare Affiliates - a huge assortment of affiliate links for YOUR website; we've picked some of the ones we believe in here.

Netflix - Every week we look forward to a new DVD delivered to our mailbox without having to drive anywhere (saves gas, $ and time)! We select the lineup that will arrive right from our home computer, and we've seen some great movies this way. See also: Spiritual Cinema Circle.

Source Books - Robin and Jerry Miner feature an excellent selection of books, videos and related material; they get my enthusiastic endorsement.

Spiritual Cinema Circle - provides new inspirational films delivered to your door on DVD every month; unique movies, many of which aren't available anywhere else; a great complement to

StudioPress (formerly Revolution2) offers superbly designed, easy-to-use (and cusotmize) professional WordPress templates. Many of our blogs (such as, and client blogs (such as use these excellent, well-supported themes.

Travel Essentials makes lots of neat gear that we've used, including including luggage and accessories such as the Anne McAlpin packing board, which is actually quite handy to keep your suitcase organized. (Southern Sports LLC) makers of New Balance shoes; I walk/hike/jog dozens of miles every week in these very comfortable shoes.

Website Magazine - a free website trade publication ... We read it routinely for great ideas for our websites; our own and our clients.

Zometool - Superb creative geometric toys from the wizardry of Marc Pelletier! I use mine for demos and exploration.

Here's a more detailed list of our Affiliates, with specific products we recommend.