Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook - sample - (page 224) Star Tetrahedron Fold-up Pattern

This pattern requires 4 copies to make a finished model.

Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook - bonus - Alternate Star Tetrahedron Fold-up Pattern

Here's another (smaller) fold-up pattern for a Star Tetrahedron. This pattern requires only 1 copy to make a finished model, but requires 2 additional cuts. It may be easier for some to put together, and has less taping and cutting than the first model.

Hint: Using one half of a slender pair of scissors carefully slid through the gaps in the almost-finished solid to apply the last 2 or 3 pieces of tape may make the final steps easier... and it DOES get easier with practice!!! :-)

The star tetrahedron is related to the merkaba shape, according to Drunvalo Melchizedek, Gregg Braden, and many others. This is also the same shape that Richard Hoagland and other researchers have found to be related to points of volcanic activity on Io (a moon of Jupiter), Mars, and many interesting points on Earth at approximately 19.5 degrees North or South Latitude (more precisely 19 degrees, 28 minutes, 16.39428 seconds) - here are a few:

W or E refers to West or East Longitude, N or S refers to North or South Latitude, approximations, interpolated visually from the atlas. (reference : National Geographic Atlas of the World, revised 6th edition, 1992)