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Mission Statement:
Elysian Publishing publishes works which emphasize Inner Communication, Personal and Planetary Transformation through compassion and transcending the “we/they” paradigm.
Elysian Publishing publishes these titles:
The Geometry Code book

by Bruce Rawles
Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
– Universal Dimensional Patterns
by Bruce A. Rawles

by Bruce Rawles
You can order SGDS directly here … or
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The Geometry Code (Meditation Tool, Screen Saver, eBooklet)
in collaboration with lightSOURCE
by Mika Feinberg and Bruce Rawles (creators of lightSOURCE and Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook)
Bruce Rawles has explored what has become known as sacred geometry since the early 1970’s. He has responded to thousands of questions via email from all over the planet about both the symbolism and mathematics of countless patterns, since many consider Bruce to be a sacred geometry expert. He considers himself a student, and always enjoys sharing what he has found and contributing to the collective understanding of the subject.
You can learn more about the author from his bio here and his blog here.