I just uploaded audio archives (recorded May 6,2013) of an interview about with Dr. Lorraine Hurley, MD. on her “Uncommon Awareness” show here: Interview part 1 Interview part 2 … We had great fun exploring lots of favorite topics; here’s her synopsis: “Exploring the foundations of nature and sacred geometry, author Bruce Rawles will help us begin to explore the patterns and the resonance frequencies that surround us. Sacred geometry brings the wonder of the universe to us in patterns that are awe-inspiring.” Enjoy! :-)
GeometryCode bulletin for April 2013
I will be interviewed some time between 6-8AM (Mountain Time) next Monday (6May2013) on Dr. Lorraine Hurley’s show on GCN Radio, which you can listen to live (or on archive) here. Lorraine is a non-practicing MD who likes to focus on the quantum, so I imagine we’ll probably talk about modern physics as well as metaphysics, and, of course, sacred geometry. I always enjoy interviews like these; hope you can join us or listen to the archives. :-)
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
Here are a few websites and links of interest to sacred geometry enthusiasts:
- Check out this exquisite animated gif (and this ‘inner’ one) of a 4-dimensional regular polytope called the 120-cell, which has 720 pentagonal faces, 120 dodecahedral cells and 1200 edges; can’t quite picture it? Not to worry, we’re like Flatlanders trying imagine 3D, when it comes to us 3D’ers trying to grok 4D, but animations like these show us 3-dimensional slices or shadows of higher-dimensional geometries that are quite amazing, even if a bit mind-stretching. :-) The animated version of the static image above is at the bottom of this section.
- Beth Pearce’s Pinterest board with lots of great spiral and labyrinth imagery among others … and a couple of familiar books :-)
- More fun links next month…! :-)
Daily post updates option now available
I recently added a way to quickly and easily subscribe to automated post updates to the GeometryCode.com website. Just enter your email below where it says the “Get GeometryCode.com post updates by email” on the upper right hand corner of any page, and click the “Subscribe” button. You’ll automatically get an email containing any new posts to GeometryCode.com made the previous day. Of course, if you prefer just getting one email a month, the bulletin you’re reading now (if you’re reading this in your email program) will still continue to provide that service.
Recent reviews of the book: The Geometry Code
Thanks to Susan Dugan, Mike Lemieux, and Marianne O’Sheeran for their recent, kind reviews of The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation. Yet another fellow author, Jonathan Joshua, wrote the first review – Thanks, Jonathan! – last year. Huge thanks also to Gary Renard, Cindy-Lora Renard and Roberta Grace for adding The Geometry Code book (with a Foreward by Gary) to the “Gary recommends” book list on Gary’s website.
The Kindle version of the book became available last September. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
BTW, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of ACIMexplained.com recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
New Ka-Gold Jewelry depicts Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus orbits
This lovely geometric jewelry matches the planetary orbital relationships of Jupiter-Saturn (the inner octagram circular relationship) and Saturn-Uranus (the outer triangle circular relationship).
If you scroll down on every page to where you see the image below on the sidebar, you’ll find lots of superb geometrically-inspired wearable art from Ka-Gold Jewelry. Here’s a t-shirt with matching geometry… and greeting cards and posters, as well.
Fellow geometer, John Martineau describes astonishingly accurate planetary relationships in his “A Little Book of Coincidence” (highly recommended).
GeometryCode bulletin for March 2013
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
Here are this month’s handful of new websites and pages of interest to sacred geometry enthusiasts:
- Save 20% on Sacred Geometry Design SourceBook (SGDS) or other books, calendars, etc. Use coupon code VERNUM until March 31, 2013 11:59 PM.
- Art: Section of a Golden Ratio Fractal
- Here’s a google+ page entitled “Sacred Geometry: It’s everywhere.”
- The image above – that seems appropriate to welcome in spring – is a Wikipedia image of romanesco broccoli; a superb example of fractals in nature.
- Here’s a neat photo of what appears to be a crystal in the shape of a truncated tetrahedron (which. BTW, also defines, quite accurately, the orbital relationship between Neptune and Uranus) … and the illusory ‘virtual polyhedron’ which appears due to the optics of the form is an icosahedron.
- This page about Octahedral_geometry includes a 3-D ray-traced image “Dodecahedral Bubble” which I made several years ago that is actually 12-sided, rather than 8-sided geometry, but the rest are mostly octahedral.
- It’s always interesting to see how interconnectedness permeates everything our mind attends to … if we’re looking for it! :-) … The other day, I was helping a new web design client locate royalty-free images for her website (just select the last pull-down selector “usage rights:” and choose: “free to use or share”), and I wanted to try, with the aforementioned settings, google’s image search (using the camera icon in the search bar, instead of typing text) on one of the images she liked, so I first tried it on one of mine (the Dodecahedral Bubble image below) …
- … and seeing related (a.k.a. interconnected) search results led me to this cool Zometool bubble image …
- … from this “All things Dodecahedral” site which has a page with dodecahedral lamps (I made one years ago but not nearly as elegant as these), handbags, water towers, maps, mirrors, speakers and even cheese … which led to a neat free “Curved Spaces app” that runs on Mac and Windows” … and this lovely image of Dodecahedral Poincaré (curved) Space:
- … Here’s a related addendum (added after this page was emailed to subscribers on 29Mar2013) thanks to Sara Frucht of Kaleidoscapes who comments:
“The dodecahedron picture reminds me of the video ‘Not Knot’ that came out about 25 years ago. It has to do with knot theory. In it, they fly through negatively curved 3-space tiled with dodecahedra (the curvature is such that the corners of the dodecahedra are right angles). I think what you have here is the same kind of tiling. (Here are the links to this interesting 2-part video: Not Knot-Part 1 … and Not Knot-Part 2 )Also, I had to mention that I have the exact same Steuben glass paperweight (with the icosahedron in the corner). I want to point out that it is not a perfect icosahedron – our space would have to be slightly positively curved for that to happen. (As you probably know) there is a tiling of positively curved 3-space with 600 regular tetrahedra (you could also think of it as a 600-sided 4-dimensional platonic solid). 20 tetrahedra meet at each vertex.” - … and then there’s this interesting-looking “Sacred Geometry Explained” video course, which features a few familiar names like John Martineau and Robert Schoch. We had the privilege of hearing Schoch’s colleague, John Anthony West in 1992 at the Mena House – across from the Great Pyramid in Egypt – talk about his clever approach of getting an honest appraisal of the true age of the Sphinx – by masking off any distinguishing features and then asking Schoch to date the photo as a geologist, not an antiquities expert. You can probably guess that Schoch dated it quite a bit older than is generally assumed, since the water erosion he saw on this relic pre-dated dynastic Egypt by many millennia.) The “Sacred Geometry Explained” site also has audio (podcast) interviews about Freemasonry, etc. which was another ‘past life’ of mine in the early 1980s going through the “Blue Lodge” in Georgetown, Calif. where my interest in symbolism was given a big boost (and met a lot of friends.) … We’re all kin and connected! :-)
Daily post updates option now available
I recently added a way to quickly and easily subscribe to automated post updates to the GeometryCode.com website. Just enter your email below where it says the “Get GeometryCode.com post updates by email” on the upper right hand corner of any page, and click the “Subscribe” button. You’ll automatically get an email containing any new posts to GeometryCode.com made the previous day. Of course, if you prefer just getting one email a month, the bulletin you’re reading now (if you’re reading this in your email program) will still continue to provide that service.
Recent reviews of the book: The Geometry Code
Thanks to Susan Dugan, Mike Lemieux, and Marianne O’Sheeran for their recent, kind reviews of The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation. Yet another fellow author, Jonathan Joshua, wrote the first review – Thanks, Jonathan! – last year. Huge thanks also to Gary Renard, Cindy-Lora Renard and Roberta Grace for adding The Geometry Code book (with a Foreward by Gary) to the “Gary recommends” book list on Gary’s website.
The Kindle version of the book became available last September. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
BTW, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of ACIMexplained.com recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
GeometryCode bulletin for February 2013
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
A handful of new websites and pages of interest to sacred geometry enthusiasts:
- An excellent Pinterest page by John Lloyd with hundreds of interesting geometric images. The top image for this bulletin – a study of Fibonacci approximations to a logarithmic spiral using 20 equal divisions of a circle, by Keith Critchlow – is from John’s Pinterest page.
- Polygonal Art in Web Design offers numerous examples of polygons in the art of the web. Speaking of web design, we highly recommend Intent Design Studio – that would be us! :-) for WordPress web design (using customized versions of the professional, superbly crafted StudioPress Genesis themes) and geometric logos and illustrations.
- Disclose.tv offers a video “Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry and the Holographic Universe” asking questions about ancient origins of Pythagoras’ ideas and more; complete with a bit of Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land as well as our Egypt tour guide (20 years ago last November!), Gregg Braden who demonstrates Hans Jenny’s Cymatics. If you haven’t already seen them, check out these higher resolution Cymatic images made possible by the Cymascope
- Samuel Kiwasz sells lovely sacred geometric pendants as well as violet glass bottles. I had the pleasure of meeting Samuel at a sound healing conference where I gave a sacred geometry presentation in 2008.
- The recently updated Martineau Solar System page now has a new gallery/slideshow at the top of the page. You can now click on thumbnails for a larger view, or a large image for the next slide in slideshow mode. It’s amazing how accurate these simple geometric models are in depicting the proportions of the average orbital distances of the planets in our solar system.
Daily post updates option now available
I recently added a way to quickly and easily subscribe to automated post updates to the GeometryCode.com website. Just enter your email below where it says the “Get GeometryCode.com post updates by email” on the upper right hand corner of any page, and click the “Subscribe” button. You’ll automatically get an email containing any new posts to GeometryCode.com made the previous day. Of course, if you prefer just getting one email a month, the bulletin you’re reading now (if you’re reading this in your email program) will still continue to provide that service.
Recent reviews of the book: The Geometry Code
Thanks to Susan Dugan, Mike Lemieux, and Marianne O’Sheeran for their recent, kind reviews of The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation. Yet another fellow author, Jonathan Joshua, wrote the first review – Thanks, Jonathan! – last year. Huge thanks also to Gary Renard, Cindy-Lora Renard and Roberta Grace for adding The Geometry Code book (with a Foreward by Gary) to the “Gary recommends” book list on Gary’s website.
The Kindle version of the book became available last September. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
BTW, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of ACIMexplained.com recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.