If you’re like me and totally loved using Spirograph as a kid, now you can revive that interest and/or share Spirograph with your kids, grandkids or whoever! Thanks to Scott Bultman of Red Hen (which carries lots of great geometry toys, tools and goodies) for alerting me to this! :-)
Sacred Geometry bulletin for January 2013
Thanks to Ajeet Campbell for this image from his FaceBook page of a mirrored pentagram grid, similar to others in Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook, pages 74-82. … Also, a mirrored pentagram defines the plan of the Osirion temple at Abydos, Egypt (better known as location where the Flower of Life pattern was found) as detailed on page 61 of Robert Lawlor’s classic book on sacred geometry: “Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice“.
More News, Events, Interviews, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits, Products, Articles, Tutorials to follow in future bulletins … stay tuned! :-)
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
A handful of new websites and pages of interest to sacred geometry enthusiasts:
- Here’s a nice collection of books, art, fractals and other sacred geometry imagery, including my 2nd book and the LightSOURCE screensaver. There are many more sacred geometry titles and products here.
- Here’s a neat geometric design for a sink … and a great metaphor for how our ‘chambered’ existence spirals toward oblivion, while what we really are – sans mental walls and divisions – is already and always fully complete, whole and in need of nothing…”
- Helix to Hologram, an article by colleague Iona Miller, covers some interesting ideas about DNA helices and much more, complete with useful related references.
- Kelly Dietrich – Mandalas and Fractal Art has some neat imagery.
- Kinda cool department: “Absolutely Stunning 3-D View of a Cosmic Cloud”.
- the recently updated GeometryCode.com Affiliates page has a wide variety of interesting products and services related to sacred geometry, interconnectedness and way beyond! :-)
New daily post updates option
I just added a way to quickly and easily subscribe to automated post updates to the GeometryCode.com website. Just enter your email below where it says the “Get GeometryCode.com post updates by email” on the upper right hand corner of any page, and click the “Subscribe” button. You’ll automatically get an email containing any new posts to GeometryCode.com made the previous day. Of course, if you prefer just getting one email a month, the bulletin you’re reading now (if you’re reading this in your email program) will still continue to provide that service.
New reviews of The Geometry Code
Thanks to Susan Dugan, Mike Lemieux, and Marianne O’Sheeran for their new, kind reviews of The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation. Yet another fellow author, Jonathan Joshua, wrote the first review – Thanks, Jonathan! – last year. Huge thanks also to Gary Renard, Cindy-Lora Renard and Roberta Grace for adding The Geometry Code book (with a Foreward by Gary) to the “Gary recommends” book list on Gary’s website.
The Kindle version of the book became available last September. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
BTW, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of ACIMexplained.com recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
December 2012 GeometryCode bulletin
Sacred Geometry bulletin for December 2012:
(1) News, Events, Interviews, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits, Products, Articles, Tutorials
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
A handful of new websites of interest to sacred geometry enthusiasts:
- A fun Sacred Geometry gallery on Pinterest
- Unbelievably talented (grin!) “Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland?”Artist Creates Gigantic Winter Crop Circles Just by Walking in the Snow!
- Art of sacred geometry – geometric artwork and designs by Shipibo women from the upper Amazon in Peru
- The Striking Kaleidoscopic Patterns of European Cathedral Ceilings
- A neat “Fibonacci Fact” equation involving any 4 adjacent Fibonacci numbers
… and more from We Love Maths
and last but not least, scroll down this page a bit to watch an
- interesting video exploration of ‘kite geometries’ by Frank Chester showing a 7-sided polyhedron with equal face areas and other fun shapes.
I particularly like his construction showing a smaller nested tetrahedron within an larger one, filled in with 4 other ‘kite polyhedra’ that complete the space-filling form. (Thanks to Luke G. and Michael H. for alerting me to this.)
If you’ve been following my posts on Facebook and/or Twitter lately, you’ll know that both Lulu and Zazzle have been having … and are STILL having some great end-of-the year (end of the Mayan Calendar? :-) sales.
Use promo code “HOLSHIPDEAL2” for discounted shipping and 10% off all Zazzle products (like sacred geometry prints, cards, apparel) through December 18, 2012 at 2:59 PM PT or promo code “LASTCHANCE10” for 10% off all products AND free shipping on orders of $50 or more through December 17, 2012 at 11:59 PM PT.
If you want a copy of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook, visit Lulu here for their 13 days of holiday coupons.

Is the universe a humungous virtual simulation?
A friend alerted me to a very interesting article that appeared in Yahoo News this week entitled “Whoa: Physicists testing to see if universe is a computer simulation”. I say, full speed ahead instead of whoa, though! :-) Here is a comment I posted to my personal FaceBook page in response a few days ago: Uh-oh, they’re going to trace the simulation back to my mind… Where do I pull the plug? :-) It will be interesting to see where this scientific experiment leads. This inquiry probes deep into the heart of the pivotal ‘ghost in the machine’ question that revolutionary discoveries in quantum physics such as the Copenhagen interpretation guided the scientific world – perhaps kicking and screaming? – into. So… Are we a body/brain with an optional ‘mind upgrade’ … or are we all a singular Mind that is dreaming of separate ephemeral bodies and their (mis)adventures in an equally ephemeral universe? :-)
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of ACIMexplained.com recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
Crystal Systems and Platonic Solids
I like to share conversations that might be useful to a general audience, so here’s yet another email dialogue (with names removed). This one concerns Crystal Systems and Platonic Solids.
I am trying to find out if there is a corrolation between the crystal systems (i.e. Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, Triclinic, Hexagonal, Trigonal) and the Sacred Geometry shapes. …
My response:
They are all related, but some evidently more closely than others. The cube (cubic) might be the closest connection between the 2 ‘systems’ of ‘sacred geometry’ and crystallography, since many crystal systems seem to be non-regular (differing angles and side lengths) variations of cubic forms as you suggest. There are quite a few examples of how the 5 Platonic solids all relate to each other in my first book (SGDS). I took the small sketches in Keith Critchlow’s superb “Order In Space” book and made full page illustrations from many of them in SGDS.
There’s probably lots of other online references that might help as far as the crystal systems go; here’s a few:
Wolfram Demonstration Project – The Seven Crystal Classes
Imperial College Rock Library: Earth Science And Engineering
Zazzle super sale continues through 25Nov2012
Zazzle continues great sales this weekend (use code ZSUPERSALE4U ) on cards and notecards (50% off), calendars (25% off), shirts (5% off) and everything else including sacred geometry posters and art prints (15% off) Offer is valid through November 25, 2012 at 11:59 PM PT. Here’s an assortment of my geometric art (plus photography from around the world, and more) you might enjoy in a variety of zazzle items. Enjoy! :-)