Lulu is having a sale: 51% off calendars; 30% off everything else; Nov. 23-27, 2012. Use code “DELIRITAS” at checkout.
Here’s an interplanetary visionary calendar you might enjoy. More about the “Martineau Solar System” calendar here and related posters, cards, shirts, etc. here.
November 2012 GeometryCode bulletin
Sacred Geometry bulletin for November 2012:
(1) News, Events, Interviews, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits, Products, Articles, Tutorials
Class: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws: Denver, CO Nov 5, 2012
On Monday, Nov. 5, 2012, from 7-9PM (Mountain Time) I’ll be giving an evening multimedia class/presentation: “Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” at Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore, 2178 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80222 I will share LOTS of visual multimedia imagery, animation and more, along with plenty of theory on the mystical underpinnings of sacred geometry, the seven ancient Hermetic laws of truth, take-home lessons from modern physics, and how the non-dual metaphysics of inclusion, kindness and forgiving our self-judgments is key to sustainable happiness! :-) There will be a book-signing after the class; both of my books, Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook and The Geometry Code, are available from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore. Space is limited to 20 participants, so please contact me ASAP if you’re interested and want to pre-register.
Kindle edition of The Geometry Code now available!
The long-awaited (at least by me :-) Kindle version of the book The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation is now available. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
Just an FYI, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Froebel Gifts special package from Red Hen still available!
Scott Bultman of Red Hen informs me that there are still a few left in his special limited supply of the Froebel Gifts. If you are a teacher or home-schooler, this sounds like a great opportunity while his supplies last. Click here for details.
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
October 2012 GeometryCode Bulletin
Sacred Geometry bulletin for October 2012:
(1) News, Events, Interviews, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits, Products, Articles, Tutorials
Kindle edition of The Geometry Code now available!
The long-awaited (at least by me :-) Kindle version of the book The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation is now available. Many thanks to all who have encouraged me to complete it, and all your support … so very appreciated! :-) BTW, if you prefer a ‘treeware’ (paperback) version, you can order it here. Here are abundant details about the book.
Just an FYI, even if you don’t have a Kindle, there are lots of other platforms you can read the Kindle version (or any Kindle book) on, including smartphones such as iPhone and iTouch, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, Windows and Macintosh computers, and tablets like iPad and Android tablet. Enjoy! :-)
Class: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws: Denver, CO Nov 5, 2012
On Monday, Nov. 5, 2012, from 7-9PM (Mountain Time) I’ll be giving an evening multimedia class/presentation: “Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” at Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore, 2178 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80222 I will share LOTS of visual multimedia imagery, animation and more, along with plenty of theory on the mystical underpinnings of sacred geometry, the seven ancient Hermetic laws of truth, take-home lessons from modern physics, and how the non-dual metaphysics of inclusion, kindness and forgiving our self-judgments is key to sustainable happiness! :-) There will be a book-signing after the class; both of my books, Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook and The Geometry Code, are available from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore. Space is limited to 20 participants, so please contact me ASAP if you’re interested and want to pre-register.
Zazzle 30% off sale (on all cards) through midnight tonight is having a 30% off sale on ALL cards until midnight tonight (October 8, 2012 11:59pm Pacific Time). Use coupon code 30CARDEVERY1 during checkout. So if you’d like a great deal on greeting cards, including sacred geometric images from the Martineau Solar System series or other sacred geometry themes, now is a fine time!
Recent Radio/Webcast Interviews/Podcasts/Videos
I’ve been updating the Events page with upcoming, ongoing, and past radio and internet interviews, presentations, and more.
Among the recent past interviews I’ve participated in (with free audio archives online that you can listen to) are:
- Your Soul Guidance show interview by Saskia Roell. Click here to listen to a replay of the interview.
- A second interview by Wendy Joy on her Bringing the Light Internet Talk Radio show.
- Awakening in Austin Internet Talk Radio show; interview by Sara Pencil Blumenfeld, Wed., 18 July 2012 9-9:30 AM MDT on Blog Talk Radio
- Kenneth Bok of recorded a fun interview with me in video split-screen format on 17Jul2012
- Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation: interview by Peter Tongue
- New Realities: internet/radio interview by Alan Steinfeld
… and many more workshops, presentations, exhibits and more on the Events page.
I always enjoy talking about the non-dual Metaphysics, Psychology, Symbolism, Philosophy and more contained within the book “The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation” which is available here.
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
Thanks to András N., who alerted me this
article on “Impractical Fractals? Mathematics-Inspired Silverware Set”.
Such shiny self-similar silverware (say that 6 times fast :-) is well described within the article:
The Infinity Set includes: “Cantor fork: now you can pin a single kiwi seed. Twice in a row. Recursive spoon: it will never let you spill a drop of soup. Ever. Koch knife: to delicately cut hair-thin slices out of an egg. A raw egg. The Infinity Set: the set includes itself. As a subset.”
Speaking of fractals, here’s a neat list of fractals (by Hausdorff dimension) from Wikipedia.
… and if you want to play around with fractals interactively, here’s a very cool online app by Toby Schachman… Try it out!
Thanks to Jonathan Nathaniel Bean for alerting me to this site!
(3) Request for Submissions
Pinterest and
I’m enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)
As always, please let me know how I might support you. Please send me any interesting items about sacred geometry or related interests … since everything is inter-related!
Thanks for your interest & support! :-)
BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
Free monthly email bulletin on sacred geometry and related subjects
Please join me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might also enjoy my blogwhich has lots of other fun and info in addition to these bulletins.
Archives of monthly email bulletins before 2012
CAD programs for geometric art, design, mandalas, etc.
I recently received this inquiry: “Please suggest a suitable CAD software that I can use to create my own sacred geometry designs. Thanks!” I thought the question was general enough to post a reply as a blog post.
Over the years, I have used a handful of CAD programs. Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook was made using mostly ClarisCAD (a now obsolete MacOS program) with a little bit of PhotoShop (front cover and adjusting Nancy’s illustration of a sphere), Excel (for the tables in the back) and a stereogram app (GraphX, I think it was) for the stereogram in the back of the book. If was to do that book over, I’d definitely consider using Adobe Illustrator or a similar app.
The few illustrations in the 2nd book The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation were done using Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop primarily, with the cover artwork also incorporating a ray-traced mandala made with POVray. POVray for the Mac has been updated in recent years by MegaPOV.
The website has incorporated artwork from all these and more, when one includes imagery and animation from other artists. Among the most notable of these contributions are some superb animations done by Dave Van Dyke of Z-axis Graphics, using 3DStudioMax (Windows only).
In general, I prefer using a vector art program for making mandalas, logos and line art that can be scaled to any resolution, such as Adobe Illustrator.
Once the line art has been fine tuned, it can be imported into PhotoShop (or other raster/bit-map oriented applications) for adjustment, sizing, etc. and adding other graphics elements and details.
The ability to step and repeat in x and y axes (translation) is a key ability for making tessellations, grids and tiling patterns.
The ability to step and repeat around a point by a specified angle (rotation) is a key ability for making mandalas.
The ability to step and repeat scaled copies by a specified percentage (scaling) is a key ability for making fractals.
(Adobe) Illustrator does all these, and there are other programs that do this as well. There are too many graphics programs to mentions, but these are some of the ones I’ve used.
Froebel Gifts special package and Wooden Books from Red Hen
I just got word from Scott Bultman of Red Hen about a special limited supply of the Froebel Gifts just added to his website. If you are a teacher or home-schooler, this sounds like a great opportunity while his supplies last. Here’s the email I got from Scott:
I don’t usually e-mail to promote products but I recently came into a batch of Chinese-made Froebel Gifts. These are complete sets of Gift 1-10 (plus a grid tray, stringing beads, etc.) for $225, including delivery. The quality is almost as good as the sets we sell, but the boxes are not quite the same and the imprint reads “Gabe” so I can’t mix them in with my other sets. Still, the price was amazing and I’d like to pass that discount on to educators who’ll use these sets with kids. So I’ve set up a private sale here. When the sets are gone, the online store will show them out-of-stock. It’s a get ‘em while you can deal.”
Scott has also added many of the wonderful titles from Wooden Books (John Martineau‘s superb series) in his catalog here, such as Simple Shelters, The Elements of Music, Ruler and Compass, Sacred Geometry, The Golden Section, Symmetry, Harmonograph, Platonic and Archimedean Solids, Sacred Number, A Little Book of Coincidence (one of my favorites), and Sun, Moon and Earth. I’ve immensely enjoyed all of the Wooden Book series gems I’ve seen and I’ve collected quite a few.