Archives of prior monthly email bulletins
Hi all:
Here's the Sacred Geometry bulletin for March 2009:
1) Events: Interviews, Seminars, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits
2) New Products, Articles, Tutorials
3) Recent Introductions
4) Website(s) of Interest
5) Book(s) of Interest
6) Movie(s) of Interest
7) Music of Interest
8) Affiliate(s) of the Month
9) Quote(s) of the Month
10) Image(s) of the Month
11) Annual Multimedia Contest!
12) Request for Submissions
1) Events: Interviews, Seminars, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits
A few weeks ago, I had the happy opportunity at an ACIM conference in San Francisco to hear
Gary Renard again share his superb (wise and funny) insights. I'm a huge fan of the ideas in his books and
audio materials. When the possibility surfaced (around the dinner table at the conference) of having Gary
give a seminar in Ashland, Oregon, after about 3 nanoseconds, I realized this was a great idea, so I've been
letting folks know about this event on April 25 ... If you're anywhere near southern Oregon (or can be), I
highly recommend it! If you're wondering what his JAFO "quantum forgiveness" approach to life has
to do with sacred geometry, a short answer might be that we can use any symbol (geometric or otherwise)
when used by our universal or transpersonal self to remind us that we're all one being (and experience the
peace that attends that thought system, including reinterpreting the things that seem to be so important
in space/time as lessons in forgiving our impotent misperceptions (since our cosmically tiny delusions
have no effect on reality.) A longer answer might be the 8-part article series (links on my Events and
Resources pages) which are moving closer and closer (thanks for your patience!) to being fully expanded into
the Geometry Code book.
As you might have noticed, this newly energized interest in the pure non-dualistic metaphysics (due to
the underlying longing for truth as long as I can remember) has become a primary activity, as reflected in
many of the posts on this bulletin over the past almost-2-years since my friend Claire conveniently loaned
me copies of Gary's books which rekindled the interest in A Course In Miracles that began with studies in the
mid 1980's. So, if this interests you, I've started a (fledgling at present) blog about ACIM and if you want to
also get my monthly updates focusing on ACIM, all you need do is (almost nothing! :-)
click here for another free monthly update about ACIM-related musings, events, and media.
In case you missed my second
interview with Lance White, the "Zany Mystic" on his
BBS radio show, on March
7, 2009, here's a link to the entire audio program in his archives.
All 12 of my "Martineau Solar System Series" giclée prints are now (again) on exhibit until May 2, 2009
at the Eagle Point Library in Eagle Point, Oregon.
If you missed the
Pangea exhibit in Ashland, Oregon last
month, you now have another opportunity to see the entire series. There's also 3 nice NASA Hubble prints
(large canvases) on display there, too as part of their 'space' theme!
If you are interested in sacred geometry workshops in the Medford, Oregon area please let me know!
Here's my list of current and past events. I'm getting closer to another local workshop soon! If you have a local,
regional (or global for that matter, as long as my expenses are covered) venue to suggest, please let me know!
2) New Products, Articles and Tutorials
The Seventh Hermetic Law (Generation or Gender) ... is the topic for my most recent article on the
Spirit of Ma'at website. This series of articles contains brief excerpts from my upcoming book,
The Geometry Code. I've listed the articles in this series on my Resources page,
as well as my Events page.
Next installment of "The Beginner's corner": Polyhedra: 3-dimensional archetypal building blocks of the
cosmos. Since there are many new subscribers all the time, it might be a good time to review some of the
classic 3D shapes that were revered by Plato, Archimedes, and countless others as being pure mathematical
models representing universal elements (e.g. fire, earth, air, water, spirit) and variations. One "take home"
metaphysical lesson of all these geometric reminders (a great exercise whenever these appear in your life!)
is to realize that our real self balances, integrates and transcends
all the polarities and qualities of these
archetypes by existing beyond their limiting dimensions.
3) Recent Introductions ... (Still Fairly) New :-)
Enhance your edits: Geometric Video Patterns (Gradient Wipe Transition Images) for Final Cut Pro!
If you use Final Cut Pro (or know someone who does) ... check out these gradient wipe transition patterns!
4) Website(s) of Interest
Here's a Math site that should provide plenty of visual geometric inspiration (thanks to Luke G. for the link);
lots of exquisite POV-Ray, Mathematica models and animations, tesselations, fractals, hyperbolic studies...
Check it out!
Just in case you exhaust the link above, there's always new and interesting geometries in the fields (crop
variety) here at Temporary Temples.
5) Book(s) of Interest
The Symphony of Life by Donald Hatch Andrews - an early influence in the 1970s that piqued my interest in
what is now called sacred geometry; an eloquent exploration of the connections between music, physics, etc.
6) Movie(s) of Interest
The Leap! (documentary) DVD:
Last weekend (thanks to Renee & Jerry!), I finally got to watch The Leap! which presents a superb collection of
interviews with folks like
Gary Renard, Tom and Linda Carpenter, Lyn Corona, Peter Russell, Fred Alan Wolf,
Dan Millman, John Sherman, Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Puppetji (hilarious! :-) and many others
who have explored the surrealistic notion (corroborated by modern physics) that the Universe is a mental
fabrication, with lots of great metaphors, conversation and inspiring
quotes and video. I think it picks up
where "What the Bleep" left off. Highly recommended!
Coraline - a fun 3D movie (best with 3D glasses) that also has an interesting metaphorical message about
the "alternate parents" (the ones we made up in our mind) that lack spiritual vision, with buttons for eyes,
and how our minds can be seduced by the glitter of form, instead of the peace of eternal content.
This movie
might be scary for kids, but if it serves to remind us how "creepy" our attachments and aversions to situations
are, it can be seen as a comedy of egoic manipulations (like the pathetic Gollum character in Lord of the Rings.)
7) Music of Interest
I had the good fortune to attend two local concerts recently with artists I quite enjoy:
Thanks to the "Erics" on JPR, I got clued in to a virtuoso contemporary musician on the electric cello:
Matthew Schoening does wonderful things with his electric cello and digital looping (heard at Liquid Assets in
Ashland with the amazing Jeff Pevar sitting in for the 2nd set); and...
...long time favorite, Leo Kottke (who I finally got to hear in Grants Pass at the Rogue Theatre). His amusing
anecdotes (where he interrupts himself 3 or 4 times before finally finishing a thought :-) about his songs are
just as much fun as the music itself. Thanks to life-long buddy Dave in Colorado for introducing me to his
music in the early 1970s.
8) Affiliate(s) of the Month
The Leap! (documentary) DVD (see review above).
9) Quote(s) of the Month
"From all these considerations, it is also clear that man transcends not only space but time as well."
- Donald Hatch Andrews
"FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real, or Forgetting Entirely About Response-ability"
- authors unknown
"What lies behind us and lies before us are small matter to what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
10) Image(s) of the Month
This image of "Earth And Mars Cross Per Martineau" shows circle/square geometry that relates the planets
Earth and Mars: Two concentric circles (representing the orbits of the two planets)
are defined by a circle that wraps around (circumscribes) the four corners of a square. The smallest (inner-
most circle) is replicated four more times and packed to just touch the four larger circles. The
circle that circumscribes them all represents the plane of the Mars orbit.
... highly accurate.
These patterns are similar to hundreds of patterns found in SGDS.
11) 2009 (now annual) multimedia CONTEST!
I've decided to make the Sacred Geometry Multimedia Contest an annual event, so you NOW have
until Dec. 31, 2009 to send me entries (inspired by Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook, or other
images or ideas on the site) to win a free GeometryCode screensaver and eBooklet!
12) Request for Submissions
If you would like to stay connected and network with kindred souls online, check out my FaceBook and
LinkedIn pages. I'm enjoying connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues
and discovering new friends of friends (and friends of friends of friends... :-)
As always, please let me know how I can support you. Please send me any interesting items about
sacred geometry or related interests (since everything is interrelated!
Thanks for YOUR interest & support! :-)
Bruce Rawles
POB 1515, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524
co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
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and ACIMblog which have much more information not included in these bulletins.