Every moment is an opportunity to see the intrinsic sameness of everyone and everything – we’re all kindred spirits. – We explore, as Danushia says, seeing beyond the veil … and having fun with it! In this video conversation, Danushia Kaczmarek inteviews Bruce Rawles about “The Spirit of Science ~ Sacred Geometry ~ The Pyramids of Egypt” in her interview series about going from head to heart. We cover a wide range of subjects including Fibonacci numbers, spirals, the golden ratio, Platonic Solids, sterograms, biofeedback, catelysts, ACIM, the double helix of DNA, modern physics ideas such as quantum entanglement, the wave/particle (double slit) phenomenon, expectations in the mind and the undoing of the Newtonian world view, flat approximations for living on a spheroid, and much more. (Quick correction; in the conversation I mentioned Mauna Kea, but it’s actually Mauna Loa, Hawai’i that is at the 19.5° north latitude.)
Reuleaux triangles (and related shapes) revisited – neat video!
Trion-re exploration, anyone? Check out this very cool video about a curved polyhedron with only 3 faces (with lots of 3D animations worth waiting for) and related work connected to the Flower of Life and its ‘buiding block’ (or at least easily discernable element) the Reuleaux Ttriangle. The 3D equivalent is the Reuleaux Tetrahedron
“THE SPACE BETWEEN” – a documentary on the work of Michael R. Evans directed by Zoe Sandoval. UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.
(Thanks to Richard N. for alerting me to this video and interesting work via a FaceBook post reply!)
Martineau Solar System Calendars – updated for 2018!
I just updated this sacred geometry calendar which has images from the fascinating geometric Martineau Solar System models. Here are details about the 12 images which are highly accurate geometric models of pairs of planetary orbits in our solar system. They were inspired by the remarkable work of John Martineau (publisher of Wooden Books), who wrote “A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System.” Tiled images of planetary surfaces and related images form the backgrounds. Images are two or more orbits defined by simple 2D (circles, triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, octagons) or 3D geometries (e.g. tetrahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron) typically with 99.9% or greater accuracy. The work picks up where Johannes Kepler’s mystical exploration left off.
Background Video, Info and Exhibits of the Martineau Solar System
Midnight in the Desert – interview July 24, 2017
I will be the guest of Midnight In The Desert (MITD) – Late Night Talk Radio with Heather Wade from 9:30PM-1AM on Monday, July 24, 2017. Here is the page on the MITD site about my conversation: – Bruce Rawles – The Ubiquitous Hermetic Laws.
I will be conversing about : Non-dual Metaphysics, Sacred Geometry, The Seven Hermetic Laws, Lessons from Modern Physics, The Great Pyramid of Giza. Please join us! :-)
Golden Ratio Appears in 8D to 4D Quasicrystals, Black Holes, Consciousness Theory of Everything
Thanks to geometer colleague and dream researcher, Ed Kellogg for alerting me to this very interesting (and fun) video “What Is Reality?” from Quantum Gravity Research (check out the lovely video loop of a slowly rotating polyhedron made of tetrahedra on their website’s home page) – in addition to meshing interconnections with our faithful omnipresent proportion, the Golden Ratio – also talks about higher dimensional geometric polytopes, Planck’s time and space constants, meaning, self-representing symbols, pixelation, geometric codes, non-local information … of course, consciousness – that ‘elephant in the room’ that mystics (not just in India) have been riding for millennia. :-)
“The (8-dimensional) E8 Lattice … to generate that 3D quasicrystal, the substructure at the pixelated fabric of reality, we project this 8D crystal to 4D, and then we convert that to 3D. … just like the basic shape of the 3D cubic lattice is the cube, the cell shape of the E8 lattice is an 8D shape with 240 vertices. We call it the Gosset Polytope. When the Gosset Polytope is projected to 4D, it becomes two identical shapes of different sizes. The ratio of their sizes is … 0.618 (the Golden Ratio.)”
The video – after mercilessly exploding a cubic lattice made of Zometool, tsk, tsk! :-) – then references the appearance of the Golden Ratio in an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle which we have documented on this website for many years.
“The Golden Ratio may be the fundamental constant of nature. … It is weirdly ubiquitous in the universe, appearing everywhere from the quantum to celestial scales. … it appears in black holes. The golden ratio is the precise point where a black hole’s modified specific heat changes from positive to negative. Ø = (M^4) / (J^2) … and it is part of the equation for the lower bound on black hole entropy. The golden ratio even relates the loop quantum gravity parameter to black hole entropy. Ø = 2 ^ (π?) … Why does this support the claim that the golden ratio is the fundamental constant of nature? Because a theory of everything must unite general relativity with quantum mechanics and a black hole is where these two theories converge at their limits.”
“Meaning is subjective and requires choice.” … Seems like physics is treading on metaphysical turf again. Fun! :-)
To dive a bit deeper into the projected polyhedral shape (which evidently resolves to an icosidodecahedron), check out this cool video – featuring Klee Irwin of Quantum Gravity Research – (“The 20-Group Twist”.)
For further detail, check out this video: “Quantum Gravity Research: an Overview Presented by Klee Irwin.”
“I felt glad to see this model incorporates E8 theory. I met Garrett Lisi when I attended his presentation on E8 theory (“An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything”) when I went to the 2010 Joint Mathematics Conference in San Francisco years back and felt quite impressed, but had heard nothing since. (See attached paper and check out this video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xHw9zcCvRQ ).
I really enjoyed QGR’s ”What Is Reality” video, as it brings together a whole set of variable’s I’ve had an interest in – sacred geometry, consciousness, the golden ratio, the universe represented in a pixilated interface, derived from a non-local beyond time and space information matrix code, etc. all integrated into one congruent and entertaining presentation.
I especially found it quite cool that the golden ratio pops up as the ratio between the two sizes of the projection of the 8D Gosset polytope (from E8 theory) onto 4D – I’d never heard of that.
… check out this paper also: “Quantum Walk on a Spin Network and the
Golden Ratio as the Fundamental Constant of Nature,” http://www.quantumgravityresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/quantum-walk-spin-31.pdf
One possibly important insight that occurred to me. The narrator talked about tetrahedrons as fundamental units (“physical reality pixels”), with each of them having different states. This reminded me of Donald Hoffman’s Conscious Agents, CAs, which he represented in a first rough approximation as triangular shapes/processes, functioning analogously in a manner somewhat similar to Turing machines:
From “Objects of Consciousness” (https://www.academia.edu/8227575/Objects_of_consciousness),
Even this simple model of interacting hierarchies of CAs leads to the identification of “a wavefunction ψ of the free particle with a harmonic function g of a space-time Markov chain of interacting conscious agents.”As a next step, bringing in another dimension of processing for more complex CAs, one would add another point to create higher dimensional tetrahedral CAs (“TCAs”), as it would add one more fundamental point, and three more communication channels might lead to the emergence of many more equations from the interaction of hierarchies of more complex TCAs. If so, what might that additional “point” represent, and what might the communication channels ? Something I find quite fun to think and to speculate about!
This has already given me ideas about what an upgrade of the “Beyond the Matrix: Conscious Realism and Lucid Being” workshop that I just gave at the Anaheim IASD conference might additionally include, in version 2.0. <g>”