I recently received this inquiry about the symbolic meaning of a cross:
Hi, I love your site. I am learning so much. I don’t see any information about the symbol ‘The Cross’. Is the cross a universal symbol? A sacred symbol? It’s the symbol used in Christianity but does it have wider significance?
Thank you for your time and your knowledge! Thank you, thank you,
– A., California
… and I provided this response:
Thanks for the kind words, and your question.
Yes, the cross can represent a very wide array of symbolic meanings, and its obvious geometric aspects attest to its universality beyond any specific religious or philosophical adoption, but I try to remember that symbolic systems can be simplified to just 2 thought systems:
Inclusion: whatever leads us back to thoughts of sameness, interconnectedness and ultimately Oneness
Exclusion: whatever leads us deeper into the metaphoric darkness of separate interests, differences and identification with the ephemeral, dualistic and divisive.Therefore, seen from the former thought system of Inclusion, a cross can be a reminder that we can find the center (intersection) point where we transcend polarities, find common ground and respond with kindness … or an idol for specialness and ‘win-lose’ tug-of-war battles. It’s always our choice. :-)
I touch on this symbolism in the chapter on the Law of Polarity in my second book, The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation
You might also enjoy listening to this related recent conversation about the Law of Polarity.
Thanks again for your inquiry and support! :-)
I keep finding more indications that the interest in adult coloring books is continuing to rise, such as this Coloring Book Master Class promotion. In addition to the classic reference book that contains over 1300 images suitable for easy photocopying for geometric coloring book use, my German publisher recently released a beautiful hardbound book (with a very nice subset of the images in the larger book) as Bewusst malen – Heilige Geometrie which also has some great quotes on facing pages. Thanks again to fellow author and artist, Jay Goldner, for his work in bringing this second book containing my geometric artwork to Europe and the world.
Here are a few miscellaneous links about sacred geometry and related, interconnected topics that have crossed (pun intended) my path recently that you might find interesting:
- Sacred Geometry Book Design with Sacred Geometry Vector Set Vol. 1, 2 and 3
- Ascension Art – Designs by DavidDiamondheart
- Sacred Geometry Web with 3Dmandalas … be sure to also check out iConnect by MetaForms for similar 3D geometric designs
- Interview about *LLND and Sacred Geometry in their latest performance titled Cosmic Resonance
- Shutterstock: Collection of elements, symbols and schemes of physics, chemistry and sacred geometry
- Ted Talk: Golden Ratio Fibonacci Sequence TEDxEast: Matthew Cross
- I’m sure I’ve shared this before, but what a great cosmic example of the vesica piscis (the Hourglass Nebula) … to tie into the first topic (the shape of a cross) – if you draw a cross bisecting a vesica piscis shape, the ratio is the square root of 3 (√3), which is also the ratio of the diagonal across any two opposite corners of a cube and any edge side length.
- GeometryCode – Favorite Movies, Books, Music, Software, and much more…