(1) News, Events, Interviews, Workshops, Classes, Exhibits, Products, Articles, Tutorials
Lots of interesting geometric images, videos and links this month
I’ll resume featured content next month; meanwhile, enjoy a plethora of fascinating things in the world of geometrical and related interests; I had another fun conversation with David Cohen, too.
(2) Websites, Books, Videos, Imagery, Music and Quotes
- Blooms: Strobe-Animated Sculptures – exquisite Fibonacci blossom videos! Note the connection to Michael Schneider’s pinecone Fibonacci examples in last month’s bulletin. Here’s the write-up featuring the golden angle: “What you are viewing in each of the above videos is a bloom spinning at 550 RPMs while being videotaped at 24 frames-per-second with a very fast shutter speed (1/4000 sec). The rotation speed is carefully synchronized to the camera’s frame rate so that one frame of video is captured every time the bloom turns ~137.5º—the golden angle. Each petal on the bloom is placed at a unique distance from the top-center of the form. If you follow what appears to be a single petal as it works its way out and down the bloom, what you are actually seeing is all the petals on the bloom in the order of their respective distances from the top-center. Read on to learn more about how these blooms were made, why the golden angle is such an important angle, and how these are related to the Fibonacci numbers.”
- Sacred Geometry 2015 Conference in New York: Roger Green’s conference in April 2015; more details when available
- FaceBook pages of interest: Spirit Science, Fractal Enlightenment, Flower of Life Society/Culture Website, Phi – 1:1.618 – the Golden Ratio Community, Nassim Haramein
Public Figure, Applied Sacred Geometrics TV, Cosmometry Facebook page - Constructed using over one thousand aluminium and polished copper drops, an indoor rain installation has wowed visitors to Singapore’s Changi International Airport
- Nigel Stanford’s music videos: Cymatics, TimeScapes, and Solar Echoes music; for more about Cymatics, check out Jeff Volk’s Cymatics Source website and Adam Reed’s Cymascope imagery; more on the Cymascope.
- We all get Academy Awards for acting! David Cohen and Bruce Rawles talk about luminary theatrics; Dave (a.k.a. Davie Crockett) and I shared a conversation on 22 February 2015, on his LA Talk Radio show. Our conversation theme coincided with the annual Academy Awards that evening, so we had fun examining the theater dream metaphors we’re all living and how – as Shakespeare said – all the world’s a stage.
- 3Quarks » Platonic Solids has rotating polyhedra animations for the 5 regular Platonic Solids
- “Bucky” Buckminster Fuller Future Organization is calling for artists for a juried show: Buckminster Fuller and the Sacred Geometry of Nature (March 1-April 6, 2015 at the Morris Library of the Southern Illinois University; here is a poster for the event.
Thanks to fellow ‘hedronist’ a.k.a. geometer and lucid dream researcher, Ed Kellogg, for alerting me to this interesting article about geometric folding and looping in the genome: Genetic Geometry Takes Shape; check out the fun and interesting origami video, too. Recall that the cross-section of DNA’s double helix geometry is a decagon (or a pair of pentagons rotated 36° around their shared center), and one complete turn of each spiral is 34 Å (ångströms) long and 21 Å in diameter; familiar adjacent Fibonacci numbers whose ratio is part of the infinite sequence that converges on the Golden Ratio.
(3) Request for Submissions
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. I always enjoy connecting with both recent and long-time friends and colleagues and discovering new friends of friends :-)Thanks for your interest & support! :-) BTW, I always appreciate enthusiastic reviews on the Amazon SGDS book page, and the newer Amazon book page for The Geometry Code. It’s a good “win-win” way to cross-promote your work as well.
If you like to color with colored pencils (or other media), make 3-D fold-up geometric art, do stained glass, quilts, geometric arts and/or crafts, or just want an extensive reference/resource of geometric archetypes, patterns and essential line art, you might enjoy a copy of my first book, Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook: Universal Dimensional Patterns.
If your leanings are more metaphysical … and perhaps whimsical :-) … you might enjoy my second book, The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation. It was originally going to have geometry and Hermetic Laws/symbolism as a primary focus, but in 2007, a reawakened interest in the spiritual masterpiece, A Course In Miracles – thanks to Gary Renard – shifted the primary emphasis to an exploration of the two thought fundamental systems we all vacillate between, and how we can gradually shift our mind’s identity to the happy one.
PO Box 192, Castle Rock, Colorado 80104
author of The Geometry Code book; co-author of The Geometry Code screensaver
author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
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