I recently learned of the passing of William Goldstein (a.k.a. Will Gold), who left us on August 11, 2022. William was a fellow geometer, researcher, historian, mystic, and much more. It was only fairly recently (September 2021) that I discovered his work, our many common interests, and favorite books while exploring his extensive fascinating writings which are a great complement to my more mathematical leanings. I began a brief stint as his webmaster and I was hoping to be able to share many recorded conversations between William and myself with my GeometryCode readership, but that was not to be.
Rather than have this important body of work disappear, I offered his family the opportunity to keep the site going so that others might benefit from his insights, and helpful resources including an extensive library of unique and interesting books, most of which are still available. The newly relocated website (formerly Chartres-sacred-geometry.com) is now live at Chartres.GeometryCode.com. It is my hope that my readers will avail themselves of his thoughtful and insightful writing and excellent book (and other media) recommendations of particular value for geometry enthusiasts, particularly the in-depth cultural and historical underpinnings behind so many important discoveries and real human progress.
Here is the prior article I wrote about William’s site which I would recommend reading as well.
Thank you, William, and to your family as well!