It’s time to revisit the work of other polyhedra enthusiasts. Of particular note (having crossed my digital path again recently) is George W. Hart who has shared some excellent resources along these lines (faces, vertices, etc.) for decades. Here’s one gold mine to explore: Virtual Polyhedra: The Encyclopedia of Polyhedra By George W. Hart. Here […]
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Sacred Geometry Tutorial
Welcome! If this is your first visit, you might want to read the Introduction: “Sacred Geometry Home Page” a tutorial on sacred geometry; it has been a favorite online introduction to this matrix of interwoven subjects since 1996 and contains excerpts from my first book, Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook.
Recent GeometryCode posts

Non-Euclidean Geometries
At the end of last month’s post we gave this example of non-Euclidean geometric art inspired by M. C. Escher’s pioneering graphics which explored various geometries and illusory perspectives. Also noted in last month’s post, here’s a still image related to a scene in the movie “Inception” that had a physical implementation of an impossible […]

M. C. Escher’s Geometry and Illusory Perspectives Revisited
Musing about how the interpretations of our physical senses are often misled by optical (and other) illusions, I was reflecting on being inspired decades ago by the classic M. C. Escher images in the book (The Graphic Work of M.C. Escher Introduced and Explained By the Artist Paperback – January 1, 1973 by M. C. […]

Geometric gemstones
Recently a friend (Rick Fuller) showed me his gemstone grinding equipment including two grinders; one with a caliper-style readout to set grinding angles and another with a digital readout. My experience in this area is negligible, but the designs of cut gemstones seem profoundly connected to 3-dimensional solid geometry and all the laws, theorems, and […]

Sacred Geometry in the documentary “Leonardo da Vinci” by Ken Burns
This evening we finished watching the excellent 2-part documentary “Leonardo da Vinci” by Ken Burns (and others) which – like everything Ken touches – was wonderful. No surprise, and, of course, highly recommended. Please support PBS and your favorite public/community/independent media, too! Initially, I thought I would use my default browser (Brave) to find some […]

Fractal and Geometric Animations
Here are some interesting geometric animations… Lots more to explore! A few example animations found using sacred geometry as a search term on Giphy: Fractal (Octahedra) Polyhedra with Sierpiński triangle faces via GIPHY A Flower of Life variation with animated rainbow colors via GIPHY Fractal (Dodecahedra) Polyhedra with pentagon faces via GIPHY A couple of example animations […]

2025 Martineau Solar System Calendars available now
Once again this perennial calendar is available! These timeless images portray amazingly accurate geometric representations of the planetary orbits in our very own solar system – now available in printed calendar form with dates for 2025!! Martineau Solar System Calendars These 12 images are highly accurate geometric models of our solar system; details are here. […]

Fun, whimsical, playful geometric art
Since summer is often associated with vacations, play time and recreation, this month’s short but sweet post – thanks to my wife Nancy – is inspired by a link she sent me in her frequent scouring of social media for all things artsy. She thoughtfully keeps an eye out for geometric items. This one reminds […]

Plato’s Spirit, Carl Sagan’s Blue Dot, Contact, symbols and sources
“The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken Feb. 14, 1990, by NASA’s Voyager 1 at a distance of 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) from the Sun.” *A year or so ago, a friend reminded me of this inspiring prose “The Pale Blue Dot” by Carl Sagan (copied below) inspired by the […]
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GeometryCode Feed
Free Sacred Geometry Sample Patterns
Don’t miss the Free Samples section. This section includes compilations of the Platonic and Archimedean fold-up patterns; these are gathered in 2 easy-to-download (and free!) files in addition to all the individual files.
Sacred Geometry Interests
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Sacred Geometry News
Our newly renovated site now has an updated sacred geometry blog for current events, news, and postings covering a wide range of interests around sacred geometry and interconnectedness. If you have news items, articles, links or musings to contribute, please contact us!
Sacred Geometry Events
My Events page has an extensive list of upcoming, ongoing and prior events related to sacred geometry and interconnectedness … We’re all inseparably interconnected!
Sacred Geometry (Free) Monthly Email Bulletins
You can always subscribe to my free monthly email bulletin
for a variety of websites, books, media and much more of interest related to sacred geometry; archives of some of the
past bulletins are here.
Sacred Geometry Info and Resources Online
Many of my all-time favorite online sacred geometry info and resources are linked here.
Sacred Geometry Products
Here are a variety of items you might find interesting and useful in the realm of books, screensavers, video, etc.
Sacred Geometry Screensavers and DVDs
The Geometry Code – Meditation Tool, Screen Saver, and eBooklet
by Mika Feinberg and Bruce Rawles
(creators of lightSOURCE
and Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook)
Praise for The Geometry Code screensaver, meditation tool and eBooklet
More info about
The Geometry Code – Meditation Tool, Screen Saver, and eBooklet
Sacred Geometry Books
Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook – Universal Dimensional Patterns
My first book, Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook – Universal Dimensional Patterns, is a great experiential introduction to the subject of sacred geometry, as well as a timeless reference for readers of all ages with a wide variety of interests.
The Geometry Code:
Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation
My second book delves more into the metaphysics behind sacred geometry, the Seven Hermetic Laws and shows how 7 ubiquitous geometric symbols can remind us of our intrinsic oneness.
Purchase The Geometry Code: book
Purchase The Geometry Code: Kindle edition